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What is Galactic Astrology?

Galactic Astrology examines the alignments between the positions of the planets and important points in the astrological natal chart relative to the position of the fixed stars at the moment of birth.

Galactic Astrology is a growing field of specialization, and my personal training in this field came from the innovative work of Julia Balaz.

A great deal of information can be obtained via the galactic charts when an individual gives their permission to access information about their multidimensional self.

​Depending on the person, the person’s intentions, the goals of the reading, and the timing of the reading, much information comes to light such as the soul origin, the soul history in the galactic, the soul history on Earth, the presence of galactic and Earthly spirit guides, involvement with Earthly and galactic groups, the soul purpose, the soul mission, karmic themes of this lifetime and prior lifetimes, and so much more!

What´s difference betwen Draconian chart and Galactic Astrology Chart reading?

The Galactic Astrology paradigm sees beyond the incredible past life and karmic insights typically given by examining Pluto and/or the South Nodes and opens up to a much vaster soul picture.  It is a cosmic view.

I do not know my birth day or time

An accurate Birth Day and Time is necessary to perform all Galactic Astrology and Quantum Soul Guidance Readings because it supplies us with important information that makes you YOU. The Ascendant in a birth chart changes every 4 minutes and the moon changes signs every 2.5 days and there are more factors. So yes, I do need an accurate birth day and time to serve you in the best possible way. If you do not know this information there are some ways to find out, you can message me here: info@galacticsoulhealingjourney.com. I will not be able to hold a session date for you until the proper birth details are known.

One Galactic Astrology reading is enough?

That will depend of how deep you want to get into your Soul Journey. Galactic Astrology provided so many layers of intel to explore and you can go deeper as you wish.

I provide the option for you to have following up session to see more or answer questions you may have. You can book healing session to clear old galactic traumas you may experiences if you will or request a personal alchemical meditation to explore your connection with your spiritual family of origen.

May I have an option to buy a full experiences combo (reading + healing + alchemical meditation) ?

Yes! This are special custom oriented packges I do for thos who knows me or feel guided to work with me in all levels I proveded services to grow.

In this particular case, please send my your request by email info@galacticsoulhealingjourney.com and I will get in touch with you for more information. It will be my honour to work with you.

What are the Dwarf Planets and how do they work in Astrology?

Dwarf planets are the objects in space that aren’t quite big enough to be considered planets by astronomers. Technically, Pluto is a dwarf planet, and most astrologers agree that its status as a dwarf does not make it any less powerful an influence. 

Astronomically-speaking, the dwarf planets are mostly located beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto, but some like Ceres, are closer to Earth. Dwarf planets include: Haumea, Quaoar, Orcus, Ixion, Makemake, Sedna, Eris, Gonggong, and more!

Astrologically, the dwarf planets represent quantum psychospiritual functions within your psyche! In the natal birth chart, the dwarf planets reveal rich evolutionary details and secrets, giving clues to humanity’s latent interdimensional capacities.

As many of the dwarf planets have only become visible in the sky in the past couple decades, the time is ripe to onboard the psychospiritual functions they represent NOW, so we may consciously co-create the most beautiful, loving expression of humanity’s future on Earth. 


Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journey offers services that are of Metaphysical advisory nature. I am not a medical or psychological professional and am unable to diagnose, prescribe, treat, cure, or claim to cure any ailment be it mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual in nature. All information obtained from Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journey is to be taken solely as advisory only and not as a replacement for a professional medical care, or a professional consultation.

As a client of Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journey you understand that you are fully responsible for your own personal transformation, and all your life decisions after the session(s) with Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journey

By making payment for or proceeding with your session(s) with Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journey you legally confirm that Carla C / Galactic Soul Healing Journeywill not be held personally, legally, or financially liable for any changes you decide to make in life based upon any advice you received from the aforementioned and you confirm that you understand and agree to the above disclaimer.

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