Galactic Soul Healing Journey

discover your galactic influences with a galactic astrological chart

for those who recognise themselves as starseeds, indigos or old souls, this information can be life changing. find out more

What is Galactic Astrology?

It is a modality that unlocks rich layers of your soul’s journey by exploring the fixed star placements in your natal astrology chart.

We look the hidden wisdom of fixes starts and other galaxy to know more about the previous experiences as a soul inside this Galaxy. This unfold so much information about whatare you doing here and now, whats your soul mission and what aspects need to be heal and integrate more. We can discover what gift´s are waiting for you to activate and the unique libery of your DNA or the Spiritual family who support you as a team during this HUman experiences.

Welcome! I´m Carla

Hey there, I’m so glad you’re here! I truly believe that astrology is more than just predicting the future—it’s a way to tap into your own inner wisdom and strength. My goal is to make astrology practical and easy to understand, breaking down those complex ideas into simple, everyday tips that you can use. Let’s explore how astrology can help you uncover and embrace your true potential! But… I do more than just astrology. I have other great modalities to offer and I know if you are a sensitivy person you will love to find it here too.

Work with me

Animal Comunication

This sessions are not only for your benefit but your animal companions too, as it help to get each others better and for you to undertand their specifical needs and why they are sharing this life time journey togheter.

Animal companions always are grateful when we recognize their Soul unique learnings here and honoring them with a session is great.Its so much hidden in animal wisdom waiting for you to be bless and sourprise.

Astrological Readings

Traditional astrology or Galactic, both have so much to help you to understand your patrons at many level: energetic, mental and spiritual.

It is a very rich and vast encript data for your now moment as a Human but it is so much more in the invisible realms that now Galactic Astrology can provided for you to get all the missing pieces of your personal puzzle to recover in a reading.

Want to check your chart?

Multidimentional Healing

This is a the most complete session I provided as a service to all those who are doing an ascentional journey. In this session I can provided specifical information about where you are in this process, what´s next and which learning are fundamental to get to the next level of awarness.

We visit different timelines and stations of your identity that happen simultaniously and affect your human experiences (even your physical body) here and now.

Soul Guidance

This session is perfect for those how need answers to specific questions or guidance in moments of change.

As a Master Akashic Record I keep always seeking for answers about whats is not possible to us to see with our physical eyes and coexist with us in everyday life: what happen in a after life? How are your evolution teams? Why this is happening now and what for? Why are we here as and now? This is just an example… what are your questions needing for answers?

Galactic Astrology : What for?

For those of us who are living a Consciously, the path of personal and planetary ascension, Galactic Astrology is a technique than provides fundamental data about the journey of the soul from the moment it entered this galaxy to have its spiritual experience. It is so much what we can found hidden in our galactic chart!

We can found a real reason for us to resonate with specifical Star Nations, see what gift are waiting for us to be activate in our DNA and not only work in recover and healing past life experiences, but know about our similtanious and future timeline expresion.

We can finaly get enough information to get our inner wisdom pieces togtheter and see a full picture of our reason to be here and now. We can explore what is need it to be learn and what is necessary to stop having doubts about offering our distinctive brand, wisdom and special talents to the world.

This is one of a kind time experiences you doesn´t want to miss , as the information you can recieve in session is very valuable and can give you the pocn of faith all need to fullfiel our life mission and get the risk we all take when we want to thrive in life and be aunthentic and happy.

Would you to take this adventure with me and try a session ? It will be my pleasure to guide you in this experiences.

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